Voting information for 2019
Friday, March 15th, 8 pm, Deadline to registering to vote in Town Election.
Friday, April 5, Absentee Ballot Deadline,
Absentee Ballot requests for the Annual Town Election have to be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, April 5, 2019. Please note the Clerk’s Office closes at noon on Fridays. Download the Absentee Ballot Application.
In terms of getting absentee ballots counted in the election results, according to the Secretary of State website:
If you are voting by mail, you should be sure to submit your application in a timely manner. Please allow enough time for the ballot to be mailed to you and for you to return the ballot by Election Day. All ballots being mailed from inside the United States must be received by your local election official no later than the close of polls on Election Day.
Saturday, April 6th, 8 am-8 pm, Town Election.
For voting information for elections in Arlington (including this election’s candidates),
click: Town Governance – Elections Voting
The last day to request an absentee ballot is noon the day before the election. To request an absentee ballot electronically,
click: Absentee Ballot Request
To determine where you vote in the changed precincts if you know your precinct,
click: Arlington Polling Places
To find out where you vote from the state site when you do not know your precinct,
click: Where do I Vote?